Philosophically, Deleuzian thought represents the most advanced development of Naturphilosophie. But Deleuze never followed up on the detailed implications of his thought to physics. Delanda goes a bit of the way in “Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy”. Timothy S. Murphy’s essay “Quantum Ontology” in the book “Deleuze and Guattari: New Mappings in Politics, Philosophy, and Culture” also has some important insights connecting Deleuze and Bohm. But the main roadblock is Copenhagen. People like Karan Barad and Arkady Plotnitsky try their best to make poststructuralism compatible with quantum field theory, but like other recent attempts (see the book Against Continuity) to make Deleuze compatible with the discrete ontology paradigm (Badiou, OOO), Plotnitsky and Barad miss the power of Deleuze’s sophisticated understanding of the relationship between continuity and discontinuity.
Plotnitsky sides with Bohr against Bohm and misses the potential for a new physics that Bohm and Deleuze both anticipate.You will not find much of that potential developed in the academic science community. It is the underground science culture that has been developing the details, mostly ignorant of parallel developments in theory, since they are usually eccentric engineers and amateur scientists with a taste for alternative science. I have tried to bridge the two camps and promote the “minor” or “nomad” science of the underground that Deleuze intuited was key to the future. The most theoretically developed of these underground science communities works on something called Reciprocal Systems Theory, originally created by engineer Dewey Larson. What is most important in Deleuze is reflected in the fundamentals of the Reciprocal System: difference/change is prior to objects/identity.