All processes move from early stages of individuation to collective and universalizing stages (like the houses of astrology). America is the late stage of European civilization, hence we have specialized in popular culture and collective/cooperative arts like film and TV. Conservatives like Spengler think of these stages as a fall, but I argue that mature cultures demand a mature artist capable of working with others or furthering the work of others, instead of falling into the competitive obsession with individual greatness or radical novelty, that is indeed deficient and dangerous in late stages.

There is no need for any of us to be the same caliber as someone like Aurobindo or Rudolf Steiner. We are not meant to emulate them, but to continue the work they and other greats started for us. By doing so we make their work less tied to the personalized religiosity of early stage cultures, which in the case of Steiner might include forgetting Anthroposphy, which was bound to become an atavistic cult, as most followers do after their founder dies. We truly honor Steiner when we further the work of a universalized spiritual science.

