Hello sir. Just a note of appreciation and a suggestion. You are so on the right track, and I really appreciate you popularizing a thoughtful and critical approach to etiology. But I just wanted to offer a suggestion about digging a little deeper when discussing the causes of illness.

For instance when asked about herpes, you were lead by the understandable generalization that viral symptoms present themselves in stressed out tissue, to conclude that herpes was a skin issue and your remedy followed suit. Your suggested remedy, collagen, is generally healthy for people but can actually cause problems in many cases of herpes because herpes is not primarily a skin issue. It is a nervous system disorder. People will have outbreaks on their genitals rather than their lips not because they had rough sex any more than cold sores are caused by chapped lips. Where people express their diseases is a complex issue and goes deeper than any one cause. I would be careful of over-generalizing and reducing disease from one reductive model of causation to another. The notion of “expression” that you use for viruses is particularly helpful in getting away from a reductive causal model. We express our stress and trauma in different ways, as you know.

Viruses though, are much more than just responses to damage, they are relatively unique expressions of certain stress patterns. Herpes is very much about neurological over-stimulation. Too much sex can be part of genital herpes but also sexual repression, stress that blocks energy flow in the genitals. Collagen is good food, but it can be too high in glutamine for people with already overstimulated nerves, especially when it is heavily refined, which frees a lot of the glutamine from the protein structure.

Glutamine can further stimulate nerves and “cause” outbreaks. I would suggest not getting too comfortable with following the problem/solution model too closely–mirroring the mainstream with the alternative field’s penchant for making a supplement the answer to everything. Supplements can help, but when you can determine the deeper energetic and psychological pathways to disease expression, you will give better supplement recommendations.

